Monday, October 8, 2012

Celebrating & Reflecting in DC: TGC Graduation

I experienced a gorgeous autumn weekend in Washington D.C. as my Teachers for Global Classrooms group met up to celebrate the completion of our program, present our capstone projects, and reflect on our experiences over the last year.  We now engage in our charge to teach global competencies and take our learning back to our schools and communities.  What an invigorating experience during the last year!  I will forever be impacted by these events and memories.  
 Moroccan Lamb and taboulleh at a great restaurant in Dupont Circle.  A group of my Moroccan cohort fellows reminisced and compared the food with Morocco's, which was quite close, though the bread was not as good.  We had a Moroccan server who had lived where Tom and I went.  What a fun evening!

 Stephanie, Tom and JoAnn, three of my favorite Morocco groupees.
 Under-Secretary of State Tara Sonenshine addressed us during a luncheon Friday afternoon.  She thanked us for our dedication to helping students become global citizens.  Sonenshine is a formal award-winning journalist and former Vice President of the World Institute for Peace.  Her biography may be found here:

With last February's roomie in D.C., Arlis Groves from Sacramento, California area.  Arlis went to Indonesia in July.  We ran into each other in the Denver airport on our flight to DC.  Because it was the morning after the first Presidential debate, we also ended up on the same flight as Jim Lehrer, the debate moderator, and anchor for News Hour on PBS.  I even sat next to a producer for CNN.  What an amazing experience in itself.